Our Programs

All About Kidz offers a variety of age-appropriate programs for children from 8 weeks to 12 years. Each step brings new opportunities and new challenges and we focus on providing the right fit for your child.

Ages 8 weeks to 12 months
At All About Kidz, our infant program focuses on reflecting on what infants are experiencing and how they learn — and then supporting the process through positive, loving interactions and providing experiences in an environment that contributes to the infant’s safety, health and cognitive success.

Toddler Ones
Ages 12 to 24 months
In the Toddler Ones room , our toddler program helps one year olds development social emotional skills, mobility and cognitive skills. This is accomplished in the context of relationships. At All About Kidz, our program provides children a secure emotional base from which to explore and learn.

Toddler Twos
Ages 24 to 35 months
Our Toddler Two program is designed to help toddlers ages 24-35 months develop their autonomy through active engagement. Our toddler two program is designed to help two year olds observe the world around them through sensory and cognitive developmental activities, while expanding language and increasing self help skills like potty training.

Ages 3 to 4 years
In our Preschool Room, our program supports the development of three year olds by providing hands on activities that engage preschoolers. Our program addresses Preschoolers needs to actively engage or interact with the world around them. Through kinesthetic learning, our program helps Preschoolers begin to construct understandings of concepts such as math, science and literacy.

Ages 4 to 5 years
Kindergarten readiness is the focus of our 4-5 year old program. Pre-Kindergarteners are given wide and varied experiences to encourage them to begin processing more complex concepts. Our Program is geared so Pre-Kindergarteners are given diverse activities in a "play to learn" environment that promotes emergent readiness in language, math and science skills.

School Age
Ages 6 to 12 years
All About Kidz also provides before and after school care for school age students up to age 12. We are on the bus route for Keene Elementary School in the Christina School District. School age kids also have their own building, enabling them to complete homework and play with their peers without being distracted by younger children.